Founded in 2019, Maple Bear is a little piece of Canada in Joinville. We offer the best of Canadian bilingual education and prepare students for a world in which creativity, critical thinking, multiculturalism and the ability to integrate people and disciplines will increasingly be decisive. We take our responsibility to our students and families very seriously, always with great care and transparency. Rigid quality processes and faculty training, carried out by experienced Canadian educators, guarantee the best and most current educational practices in the world.

Global School

From Canada to more than 30 countries and now also in Joinville. Since its founding in 1867, Canada has been constituted as a nation based on respect for differences and with recognition of two languages: French and English. This movement marked the beginning of a long history of research and dedication to the development of an educational system based on international best practices and truly bilingual. As a result and according to independent international studies such as PISA, the Canadian methodology, in addition to being a leader among English-speaking countries, is one of the most successful in the world in reading, science, mathematics and problem solving.

How Does Bilingual Education Work?

The Canadian methodology seeks to create connections and a development-oriented environment for children and young people. Maple Bear students are placed in a new language environment and progressively acquire fluency by absorbing language nuance and subtle meanings and not by memorizing vocabulary and grammar structures. At Maple Bear, they learn English.

Learn More
To learn and to think in two native languages. At Maple Bear, our students learn in an English immersion environment and develop autonomy, trust, citizenship and entrepreneurship.
Experienced Canadian educators train and periodically monitor the schools' whole academic team and assure an education of excellence.
We use observation, problem-solving and decision-making as a methodology in all subjects. We also offer large, stimulating and welcoming classrooms to our students.

Amongst the best in the world

Canadian methodology combined with a program developed by education specialists provide a unique opportunity for more than 40 thousand students. It is the only education network able to offer a true multicultural experience in a transforming environment where good practices are built, shared, and improved. Maple Bear is present in more than 30 countries and is continually growing. Whether in Brazil or in any other country it operates, Maple Bear is ready to provide a global education experience.

Japan Russia Rússia Kazakhstan Cazaquistão Uzbekistan Uzbequistão Kyrgyzstan Quirguistão Tajikistan Tadjiquistão Mongolia Mongólia Morocco Marrocos Mauritania Mauritânia Senegal Senegal The Gambia Gâmbia Guinea-Bissau Guiné-Bissau Mali Mali Guinea Guiné Turkmenistan Turcomenistão India Índia Sierra Leone Serra Leoa Burkina Faso Burquina Fasso Cote d’Ivoire Costa do Marfim Liberia Libéria Algeria Argélia Niger Níger Nigeria Nigéria Benin Benin Sr Lanka Sri Lanka China, Mainland China Hong Kong, China Nepal Bangladesh Vietnan Vietnã Thailand Tailândia South Korea Coréia do Sul Phillippines Filipinas Turkey Turquia UAE EAU Oman Omã Malaysia Malásia Singapore Singapura Norway Noruega Iceland Islândia United Kingdom Reino Unido Ireland Irlanda France França Germany Alemanha Austria Áustria Slovenia Eslovênia Croatia Croácia Switzerland Suíça Ukraine Ucrânia Belarus Bielorrússia Romania Romênia Georgia Geórgia Sweden Suécia Finland Finlândia Estonia Estônia Latvia Látvia Lithuania Lituânia Denmark Dinamarca Poland Polônia Netherlands Holanda Czech Republic República Tcheca Slovakia Eslováquia Hungary Hungria Belgium Bélgica Moldova Moldova Bosnia and Herzegovina Bósnia-Herzegóvina Albania Albânia Spain Espanha Portugual Portugual Itália Italy Macedonia Greece Grécia Egypt Egito Eritrea Eritréia Bulgaria Bulgária Tunisia Tunísia Serbia Sérvia Cyprus Chipre Togo Togo Libya Líbia Chad Chade Sudan Sudão Ghana Gana Cameroon Camarões Equatorial Guinea Guiné Equatorial Gabon Gabão Central African Republic República Centro-Africana Congo Congo Kenya Quênia Democratic Republic of the Congo República Democrática do Congo Angola Angola Namibia Namíbia Botswana Botsuana South Africa África do Sul Lesotho Lesoto Eswatini Essuatíni Australia Austrália New Zealand Nova Zelândia Greenland Groelândia Headquarter USA Mexico México Belize Belize Guatemala Honduras Honduras Nicaragua Nicarágua El Salvador El Salvador Costa Rica Costa Rica The Bahamas Bahamas Cuba Cuba Jamaica Jamaica Haiti Haiti Dominican Republic República Dominicana Puerto Rico Porto Rico Panama Panamá Venezuela Venezuela Colombia Colômbia Guyana Guiana French Guyana Guiana Francesa Suriname Suriname Ecuador Equador Peru Brazil Brasil Bolivia Bolívia Paraguay Paraguai Chile Chile Argentina Uruguay Uruguai
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